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Home Seller's Checklist!

The trick to selling your home is to make it look as clean and inviting as possible. A potential buyer must be made to feel eager to live here.

You shouldn't spend a lot of money on fix-up, but you must be able to see your own house as a buyer will see it and correct any weaknesses that may turn off the buyer right away.

Yard and Exterior


Few things enhance the salability of a house quite so much as painting the outside.

Front Entry:

Give special care to this area. You only have one chance to make a good first impression.


Mow and trim the lawn. Weed flower beds and remove all dead plants or trees. Remove empty flower pots, kids toys and bicycles, etc.

Basics Around the House


Patch all major holes, repaint if time. Make sure wallpaper is clean and adheres smoothly to the wall. Wash off fingerprints and smudges.


Repair or replace tile where necessary. Steam-clean carpets, and make sure all spots are removed. If pet odors were a problem, have carpets cleaned some time before house goes on the market.

A Spacious Look

Open Up:

One of the best and least expensive ways to improve the showability of your home is to open up as much as possible. Openness stimulates positive feelings in buyers. You cant change what you have in furniture, but you can arrange it in a way that gives a feeling of space. Put some things in another room if need be. Remove all but a very few of personal mementos, photos, knickknacks.


Overcrowding gives the feeling of inadequate space. Store appliances. Do some prudent discarding in cabinets.


Clean out all closets and other storage areas. If you absolutely cannot part with the contents, consider putting it in storage. Clean and orderly storage spaces will help give the impression that the home is extra well-kept. Besides, weeding out the junk now will leave you that much further ahead when it comes time to move.

Use Your Nose!

Wet Towels:

  • Towels and washcloths can be a source of bad odors.
  • Soiled clothes
  • When the house is being shown, keep all dirty laundry out of the living area.


Take all trash and garbage out of the house.


Take the litter tray out of the house. Be sure to clean up after the dog before any showings.

Homey Smells:

The scent of fresh baked goods is always inviting, but refrain from doing any heavy cooking before a showing. Go easy on the potpourri and air fresheners, they may make appear you have odors to cover up.

Tips for Showing


Open all draperies unless there is an objectionable view. Turn on lights in most rooms. Don't forget the basement!


Get them out of the house during showing, preferably off property.


Most buyers will not relax or closely inspect a house if the owner is present. Try to arrange to turn the house over to the salesperson. If you are at home, refrain from talking unless some specific questions are asked. Trust the salesperson's professional judgment.

One Final Note

If there is a major problem with the house, don't mask it. If you don't intend to repair or correct it, be candid about it. Most buyers will be philosophical about a problem openly displayed. Usually they will discount the price they offer by far less than the cost of the repair.

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Unless otherwise stated square footage and lot dimensions appearing herein are derived from county records and may or may not be accurate.
If square footage is material to a transaction a survey or other measurement is recommended. This information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Current or previous year’s taxes may not accurately forecast future property taxes. Property taxes can increase from one year to the next for various reasons.

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